Justice and Mercy: How Christians responded to Botham Jean’s Murder

Today’s Bible study revolves around the issues of justice, racial reconciliation, mercy, and forgiveness. These topics have been top of mind lately after the recent shooting of Botham Jean and the trial of former Dallas police officer, Amber Guyger.
How should Christians think and talk about issues such as this? Should we stay silent? Should we speak out? Should we seek justice? Should we seek mercy? What does the Bible say?
Wes and Travis are also joined by special guest, Rosalyn Miller. Rosalyn serves as one of the Children’s Education Directors at the church of Christ on McDermott Road and graciously shared her perspective on Botham’s death, the trial of Amber Guyger, and the Christian response.
If you have a passage or topic you would like us to study, please send Wes an email or call and leave a short message at 707-238-2216. We may play your message on an upcoming episode of the Bible Study Podcast.
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