A McAdams Family Update
I apologize that it has been such a long while since I have been able to post anything; the McAdams family has been very busy. I thought I would take just a moment and let you know about some of the recent developments and changes in our life.

A few weeks ago, while at Mid-South Youth Camp, I received a phone call from an elder of the Baker Heights congregation in Abilene, TX. He informed me they were looking for a preacher and they wanted to know if I would be interested in trying out for the position.
Prior to this phone call, a fire had been growing inside of me to preach full-time again. Furthermore, certain events had been unfolding in such a way that I truly believed God was about to open a big door in our lives. When this phone call came, I knew this was most likely the door God was opening.
So, we went and met the great folks at Baker Heights. We couldn’t have been more impressed by their leadership, their plans for the future, and their Christian hospitality. They seem to be a congregation which loves the Lord, loves the Truth, loves one another, and loves to share the gospel with the world!
When the elders there extended the invitation for us to join them in the work at Baker Heights, we prayerfully considered this opportunity. It was heart-breaking to decide whether or not to leave our church family here in Hot Springs. We love the Airport Road congregation with every fiber of our beings, and we knew we would sorely miss working with them.
In the end, however, it was obvious the opportunity at Baker Heights was from God. So, through our tears, we announced yesterday that we will be joining the Baker Heights family at the beginning of September.
Although I’m sad this part of my life has come to an end, I am so excited to get back in the pulpit on a regular basis. I am excited to be working with such a great congregation. I am excited to team up with such a great staff and eldership.
Please keep us in your prayers as we make this transition. Also, please keep the Airport Road congregation and the Baker Heights congregation in your prayers. I know God has orchestrated this change and He will be glorified in all these things!
I love you and God loves you,

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